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Old 12-06-2004, 06:22 PM   #17
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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lmfao, Funny stuff. Okay so what i can gather from some of you is that mistakes are alright as long as they are admitted too even though it is at your expense and that getting upset about mistakes is childish and means you are spoiled?

As for the "if you can do better, do it yourself" comments ..... heres some food for thought fellas ...... i own a tax office and if any of you wanted to do business with me i would NOT tell you "if you can do better do it yourself" if i made a mistake that cost you money. What i would do is rectify the mistake AT MY EXPENSE and asure you that no future mistakes would be made if you chose to continue to do business with me. I guess thats how i thought proper business was conducted but judging by some of your responses i guess next time i'll just say "geez im sorry i was careless and made a mistake but if you can do better then do it yourself and grow up you spoiled brat, not everyone can afford to have a professional do their taxes" ..... i'm sure then my business would flourish like many of yours must.

Or i guess i can continue to be of the opinion that mistakes are unexceptable in any type of business but when they are made they should be corrected at the persons who made the mistakes expense ESPECIALLY when the mistake could have been avoided in the first place if the responsable party had done their job correctly.

Thank you for your opinions gentlemen, i wish you all much sucess and hope those who except mistakes as common place come to realize that not everyone shares their low expectations for performance.
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