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Old 12-09-2004, 09:58 AM   #7
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I just did not see that major talent you are talking about...

Originally Posted by chevjayfsd
That is exactly right. I really wished boyd hadn't fired Blue Bear, because that kid has some major talent. He just needs to get it through his hard head, that everytime he builds a car, he needs a set plan... If he could only do that we may be hearing about Blue Bear's Rods instead of Coddington's...
Not tryin to argue with you Chevy jay but here is my opinion on bluebear...and the show...

Like I said in another post. I love the cars shows. I do not watch much tv and at least when I do I like to see people build cars. I do not care if it is pimp my ride to the show rides... I just love seeing someone who does not have alot of dough get some cool stuff done to thier car whether or not I think it looks cool or not.

Om Bluebear...

I am not saying the kid was not somewhat talented... But really. Where is all that major talent??? How can you say he was talented... only thing I ever saw him do on that show is bolt stuff on... someone else is always doing the major work.

You could take 100 young men who love working on cars give them the same opportunity and get twice the work without the attitude from a majority of them IMHO.

I would have fired his ass a long long time ago...

My reasoning...

1) Disrespectful...

Not only to the owner of the shop... but more importantly to the people he worked with and the vendors who delivered parts. If I was that one dude who got fired because of bluebears smartass I would take all the show tapes to a lawyer and make a mint off boyds for harrasment etc in the work environment.

2) The kid is a dumbass....

Face it.... you are given the opportunity to build a hotrod for free... You can not curb your bullheaded attitude for one or two minor details... like boxing the frame takes away from your project that is so disorganized already it would not matter.

3) Easily replaceable....

I could interview 10 kids here in Dallas and find a replacement for that bluebear in about two days... with more talent and less attitude who would get the job done and not stir the pot all the time.

I work in aviation and I also love to joke around at work when there is nothing going on. However when the work is there you have to be all business. The attitude Bluebear gave towards his fellow workers and to vendors delivering parts was totally unacceptable. In fact I would have to say that he is lucky he did not get an ass kickin more that once. In one show I saw he treated some kid delivering parts like an ass. Calling him names under his breath and then saying he was just kidding. I don't care what kind of talent you have you do not treat people that way especially those visiting your shop.

In my eyes there is alot more to talent that what he provided on the show...

Someone please list the amazing talent that kid provided to the shop???

What did he do that was so amazing?


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