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Old 03-12-2005, 09:08 AM   #24
My Mistress the Sea
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Location: Bradenton, FL.
Posts: 412
So when does one of these contraptions become a Powerplant???

Or is there a difference...

In a previous life I was an aircraft mechanic. Not that it's true but these types generally regard themselves as a rung above the average vehicle mech. So some of them would really get touchy about terminology. (Which is kinda rough with all the acronyms floating around!) But it made for some fun messing with them. It was great fun just refering to Engine #1 as 'that motor on the left' , then watching them blow a cork!!!

BTW, my rule of thumb if I'm trying to sound informed has been to use Motor for an electrical unit and Engine for a fuel burning unit...probably still not correct, but its an easily understood difference.
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