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Old 06-16-2005, 09:37 PM   #36
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Spokane WA
Posts: 166
Here's a quick flat bezel fix for ya. Get a NEW bezel( @ $30 from any eBay vendor) because they aren't cracked. Get a piece of smooth FORMICA scrap from any cabinet shop. Layout the outside pattern of your gauge panel onto the back of the formica. With some careful measurement and trimming you can fit the formica perfectly into the front recess of your gauge bezel. Layout the new gages in whatever arrangement you prefer on the FRONT side of the formica. Carefully clamp the trimmed formica onto a piece of plywood or particle board. Using a HOLESAW set or an aviation sheetmatal FLYCUTTER in the correct size, cut one hole after another being careful NOT to rip the formica. Trim each gage hole with a drum sander in a drill. If your fitment into the bezel isn't perfect.... no sweat. Once your happy with the fit, ck the bezel to make sure all of the new gages will clear the bezel plastic. Trim it out of the way if it doesn't. Get some 1/8 " 12vdc LED's for turns and hi beam while you're at it and drill 3 holes above the tach/speedo. Now you get to attach the formica to your bezel. I tried a few different glues before I found what I think is the best and strongest. Its called "GORILLA GLUE". Get the formica damp and drizzle the glue onto it.You don't need a LOT. It will foam a bit and squeeze out the edges some but it holds like its namesake. Let it set up overnite with some weight on it to make sure it forms to the bezel curve. Trim off the squeeze out and fill the edge gaps all the way around with a little bondo. DA it all over and its ready for primer and paint. This thing looks great with my VDO's and LED's. Took me about 3 hours to do and the cost of the new bezel.

Last edited by mac; 06-16-2005 at 09:42 PM.
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