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Old 03-19-2006, 11:28 AM   #48
see ten
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Re: What do you think a reproduced Tow Hook would be worth????

Originally Posted by 71blksuper4x4
I know what your saying. But if I cast something or stamp something on to the product, then technically could I be sued? Wouldn't it be something like the whole Coffee at McDonald's lawsuit? The woman buys the coffee and it spills on her and burns her. Lawyers say that it didn't have a warning on it that the contents would be hot. She makes money and now the cups have warnings on it. If I put a warning of not using off road, wouldn't that suffice? I dont' know and wasn't being a wise ass. I know where all of you are coming from on this. If I made these things... I would want to make them as close to original as possible. I am not sure what it takes as of yet but I was going to talk to my professor about the idea and what he knows about all of the forging cast and what not. We did do forging last year so I have somewhat of a foot wet in the area. Anyway, it wasn't a sure thing, just pretty much if there was a demand for such a thing. From one truck lover to the next. Trevor
Hmm, the old coffee at McDonalds story. My wife read about that case in a class that she had in the past. There is a reason that the woman was paid a large sum of cash. The powers that be at McDonalds knew that their coffee was too hot for consumption. They had been warned that when coffee was poured in the cup and handed straight to a customer that it was dangerously hot. Even though they knew it was dangerous they continued to serve it. This woman wasn't just burned. The lady received 2nd degree burns to her genitals inner thighs and buttocks. For those of you who don't know, a 2nd degree burn causes the skin to bubble up and blister. This woman had to have surgery to repair the damage to her skin. So the moral of the story is if you are doing something dangerous and have been told to stop, STOP, before someone is injured. Mcdonalds just doesn't have a label stateing the coffee is hot, they had to lower the temp to one that was fit for human consumption. Sooo anyway back to the hooks. If you can't make them functional..........probably a bad idea. As far as driving down the value of an original goes.......well are people buying them as investments or because they want tow hooks? I don't personaly want any bad enough to pay big bucks for them. Now if I could buy a set from someone who didn't know what they had for a little of nothing, I would be sporting them on the front of the K10. Good luck my friend. Many a business has been made by seeing a need and filling it!
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