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Old 06-04-2007, 07:19 PM   #7
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

Another part of this build is cost reduction. To that end I have been selling parts that came with it I don't need. So far I sold a tailgate band, beauty ring, and the jack and cleared about $65.00. I spent $5.00 on more epoxy. I already have some bondo and sandpaper to use up. I still have other parts to sell yet, some are listed here on the parts board. Some I will get on ebay soon.

I have also been scrounging a bit looking for the missing pieces. I remembered another blazer at a junkyard not too far away. First thing I'll do is call him and see if he'll sell the whole rig to me and for how much. Then I'll go check it out to see if there is anything I can use left on it and if I can then part it out or sell the rest to get my cash out of it. Who knows, the tub may be in better shape than what I have and I'll have to sell the Jimmy and rename the thread. I also have a number to call on a tip from another junkyard, and a possible parts rig sitting in a nearby town I'll have to do a drive by on. Wish me luck!

My total investment is down to $400.00. I hope to knock that down by another 100 or so.
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