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Old 08-01-2007, 01:29 AM   #15
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Re: How did you find your Truck -and-Why did you buy your truck?

i found mine in the camera ads here and me and my bro drove an hour to go look at it in a neighboring town, took it for a drive and i liked it and i was in the need of a vehicle and we talked about it and it was a pretty good deal and a decent truck so we went for it and me and my mom went and picked it up a couple days later and i drove it home and lost the tranny on the way and had to have my dad tow me home the rest of the way with a chain, then we put it into the tranny shop and i got it back 5days later and drove it to school that day and have loved it eversince

and when i got it home i started relizing things such has me and my bro are 13yrs apart in age and his truck and my truck are 13yrs apart (hes got a 59 f100) his truck was blue when he got it and my truck is blue, our dad pulled him home with a chain (blown engine) and our dad pulled me the rest of the way home with a chain, both original v8 trucks, theres more but i cant think of them right now

the first pic is the very first pic i ever took of my truck and the second is the latest
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Alte Seele S.S.

"Allison" '72 C/10 LWB 350SB/TH350 - DD

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