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Old 10-26-2007, 08:14 AM   #145
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Posts: 19
Re: just totaled my 69 and almost totaled me

Your pictures are pretty sobering!! I woke up thinking about them a few times last night and for me thats pretty unusual. This sort of hits me on all fronts, from being a car guy, from losing a buddy and from being a parent of a 20 year old.
I hope you and your family are able to look back on this time as a hiccup in life and you all fully recover and continue on to enjoy a good life. I really empathis with the other family as I know the loss of a son, brother or friend never leaves you no matter how long ago.
Please know that you are lucky- I attend Insurance Auctions and see more than my share of writeoffs and know that it can take alot less damage then your truck absorbed to claim a life. Surviving that sort of puts you up there with Superman and Spiderman!
My prayers are with everyone involved- take care!!!
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