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Old 02-15-2008, 01:01 AM   #58
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Re: Bad transaction with "insanebehavior"

update, matter resolved
Originally Posted by shifty

Please see to it that all of the following text gets posted in the thread; I can't do it, the thread is locked:

Quick update:

Mark has stepped up to the plate and resolved this matter. I received a Paypal payment of $180 ($175 + 3% Paypal fee) this morning and an explanation/apology (shown below) admitting that he realizes he was wrong and needed to clear up his side.

I (shifty) obviously can't post this myself (because it's locked), so I've asked a moderator to post this message on my behalf and consider deletion of this thread once everyone has adequate time to read the resolution that has been reached.
Originally Posted by email to shifty from insanebehavior
The good news is by separating myself from the forum (thanks to the forum mgt) I am able to look at the situation that unfolded at my garage with an open mind. I do want to share with you a conversation I had with my wife last night. I told her that the funny thing was that I was resenting you because I saw some things in you that reminded me of me!! I must admit we have a lot of personality traits in common. Yes, I was very stubborn but you must understand I felt attacked and ganged up on and it did not present me with a compromising personality. I do understand that you did what you thought you needed to do at the time. There are many lessons here for both of us and I know for me when I over react too soon I find I say things I did not mean. You must understand that when I feel someone is trying to hurt me or disrespect me I go into the defense mode. I am sure you would too under the circumstances.

The only thing I can do is do what I need to do about me. I think the simple fact of the matter is that I did tell you that I could sell the frame later which I can. Even though I did the work on the frame sincerely because I thought I was doing you a favor I did them on my own……….you did not ask me to do anything. Therefore, when I emotionally reacted to you in my garage and asked you to pay it was not right. I violated a rule I try to practice which is think before I react. I find if I make a decision during the heat of an argument it is normally going to be wrong. I try to practice patience but quite honestly sometimes emotions get the best of me.

I feel in my mind it is best to send you your money. The only request I have from you is let’s drop this matter as far as you further debate. We could argue about this until the “cows come home” and it really does not make any difference. Hopefully we can both come out of this learning a lesson. I can only correct what I feel is wrong and move on. I have been thinking about what I would expect from you but I do not feel right about making any conditions about me sending you your money. What ever you do on the forum needs to be decided by you. If you make amends on the forum in our behalf fine, if you don’t I will feel no different. This is up to you.

I hope this meets with your approval and if you care to email me your paypal account again I will send you the $175….I think that is the right number.


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