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Old 01-20-2003, 11:16 AM   #11
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Warrensburg MO
Posts: 143
I agree with many in the previous post, you pay for the Sony name, but they do have a reputation to stand behind so they make a decent product but not the best. If you want good bass a 10 in sub in a custom box under the set is about the only option most of us have. To get decent bass is a small box, it usually requires a high end sub. The better subs generally do better in small boxes and cheaper subs need more air space. I would recommend a MTX 8000 10 in sub under the seat with a good 150 watt amp. For mids and highs a good component setup would be idea. Like a previous post, tweets up high and mids down low. The sonys will handle your head unit. Car audio manufatures have tricks for rating power. The better amps will rate their power @12volts while cheaper amps are rated @14.8 volts. As many now 14.8 volts is normal operation for a car, with that said better amps will put out more power than they are rated. The reason for this is compitition classes. Usaually the classes are set buy the power rating of your amps, so a good amp is under rated and does better in compitition. Blown speakers come from distortion, I have seen a 150 watt amp blow a quality sub rated @ 850 watts rms. It was a cheap amp and was overdrived, thus creating "dirty"power. Hope some of this help, I guess the moral of the story is you get what you pay for.
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