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Old 02-28-2008, 09:42 AM   #6
Big J
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Re: How to turn a Truck door into a Blazer door

OK heres some more info. and pics. I'm adding a quicky how to on some door hinges. Its the way I do it, may not be the best way but I got it done Tools needed, punches, hammers, grinder, vise(got to have a vise), safety glasses, gloves, etc.... You'll need a hinge rebuild kit too, available from any of the vendors on the board.... I take the hinge and put it pointy side up in the vise. Then grind the point off flush with the hinge body. Take your punch and hammer and beat the pin out. Turn your hing over in the vise. Take the inside part of the hinge and use a screw driver or small punch and push the bushings out. Next install your new bushings. I just use a large phillips screw driver and use it as a slide hammer to push the new bushings in. Start the pin in the outer part of the hinge. Put the inner part of the hinge back into place and beat the pin back in. Some leave the extra sticking out. I take and cut off all but about a 1/4". Then I take it and put the head down on the anvil part of the vise and beat the part I just cut to expand it. It won't come out, lol.... Sometimes its that easy and others its not. I went through several hinges tonight trying to get them apart. I even broke a punch. I got it all together and back on the door. Mounted it up and no more play!!!!
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