Thread: Reality Check
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:46 PM   #11
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Re: Reality Check

Originally Posted by nyncompute View Post
One of the issues I had was space. I'm fortunate to be ok with the money situation, but dang I'm always stumbling over the truck and it's parts! I have to walk sideways through my garage to get access to things in it. Very frustrating.

Plus as a "do it yourselfer", There are always other things to tend to. I needed to tile a floor, or run sprinkler lines build a deck, etc. etc. All these cause delays.

I would love to have a nice big out of the way place just dedicated to go work on the truck when I can. I'm again fortunate, but life gets in the way and the delays to getting my project on the road have been literally years. And I didn't even do a body off type of deal!
I am lucky I guess in not having a garage to work on cars. I never have to worry about space to work on stuff. I know what you mean about being a DIYer. I work on all my cars (and my freinds also), fix the Heater, fix the plumbing, do the landscaping, fix the washing machine, etc, etc, and I am gone from the house 12 hours a day with my day job.

I just thought this seemed like a good time since I have aquired quite a good collection of tools over the years (all name brand now unlike the made in Taiwan crap I used to have). I don't have to use them as much now that me and the wife both drive 2006s (Kias, I know but that was all we could afford). I have been doing mechanic work for several people over the years for free, maybe I should start charging! I would like to at least have a small concrete pad put in front of my shed to work on cars on, but that will have to wait.
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