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Old 06-27-2009, 12:57 PM   #68
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Re: 66 frame off resto-mod

or you can let them have the opportunity to chk it out themselves and if they say that it is fine, then that puts the onus on them. the greatest problems with these things is the time that these motors sit around before they actually get on the road. sorry i don't recall on how long that you have had it it. if not that long then I would say flash it up and see if it runs. just make up a simple engine stand and do it. or find and eng shop that has an eng dyno and get them to do it. if it goes for a dump then they sold you a motor that doesn't work and you haven't opened it up.
everyone tries to weasel out of everything , just get tough or smarter than them. I can remember back in the mid 60's when a friend had bought a falcon I think with a nice little v8 in it(he had previously worked for Ford) and had some concerns about the eng and he only had about 350-400 mi on it.
he took it in and the service manager told to go put some more mi on it and to see what happens. ford had a policy then if there was a problem under 500 mi they replace the eng and if it was over repair. he went home with it and dumped the oil and took it for a drive and it didn't make it to 500 mi. new eng. That is hardball, but sometimes it has to be done
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