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Old 09-25-2009, 10:47 AM   #16
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

Last night I was able to start the brake inspection. I say start because the rear drums are stuck to the axle hubs. HARD. I tried heating the drum and cooling the hub, then bang with a hammer. No luck. It's been getting sprayed with PB blaster since yesterday. I'll try again later. The drums are shot though. They were rusted as bad as any I've ever seen. They both cracked in places while trying to bang them off. So, I'll be looking for drums. The fronts don't look too bad. I think the pass side rotor and pads had been replaced not long before it was parked. The driver side pads are wore, but not down to metal yet, which is good. The rotor has uneven wear. One side more than the other.

Anyone know where to look on the rotor to find the minimum thickness stamp? I couldn't find it. I might have some brake pads in the garage somewhere for it. I bought some brake lines from someone on the board that should be on the way. I figure on replacing all the rear lines, rear cylinders, shoes, tension springs, and drums.

I'm undecided on the booster/master cylinder. I may not have a choice, but I'm not at the point yet to know that.

Seriously though, on the rotor thickness, where is it, what is it if you have access to a brake spec book, etc.?
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