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Old 11-18-2009, 11:45 AM   #17
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Re: Need some engine advice and suggestions...

Originally Posted by jgh64pkup View Post
Working on it, .

Originally Posted by ProStreet71 View Post
In regards to the fuel pump, I dont think you need a boost referenced fuel pump or regulator for that particular setup. Seems like I remember reading that somewhere, due to the fact that the whole carb is enclosed and under the same pressure(boost), so the fuel pump doesnt have to overcome the extra pressure differential. Setups with the blow-thru "hat" do need to be boost referenced.But DO NOT take my word for it. Call Vortech to verify. Just something to check out before you possibly waste and money. Hope this helps and im not way off base here.
I haven't read that about the fuel pump. It was my understanding that by having a boost adjusted fuel pump, it would allow more fuel under boost conditions. Once again, I'm new to the S/C stuff so I'm not sure. I've spent over 5 hours on the line with several of the Vortech "tech" guys, they have been unable to give me an clear information about even the simplest questions..... I'm not changing or buying anything until I have some solid answers. I've been looking for some local guys to help with this, but nothing so far....

Originally Posted by ProStreet71 View Post
Sweet truck BTW!!! What size tires you got on the back?
29 x 15.5

Originally Posted by Wild83C10 View Post
You don't need a PCV since this is a supercharger. You may need a vacuum system to keep pressure down in your crank case. Otherwise you could experience blow-by.

I am getting some bly-by that's why I was wondering about this. How do you accomplish vaccuum without corresponding boost? Use the headers?

BOV, as stated in the FAQ section of the vortec website.
"When should a standard air bypass valve be used?

A standard air bypass valve should be used on all supercharged applications where the supercharger is making more than 6PSIG. The advantages of using an air bypass valve includes eliminating compressor surge (the noise heard during deceleration) for quieter supercharger operation, and reduced heat soak in the discharge tube and the supercharger."

I'm pretty sure I should have the BOH, you think VORTECH would have included it with the kit if it was a necessity, :/.

I would either move the air filter or block the header heat and run an air duct to it. Hot air isn't good for a SC setup, it only gets hotter.

Are you suggesting something like a cold air box or route it to the front of the grill?

I see the fan mounted in front of you radiator. Is that a pusher or puller fan?

The fan is a pusher. I'll probably redo it and put it behind the radiator in a puller configuration. I haven't had any heat issues, on the contrary, I just figured out that they PO did not have a thermostat in it. I just added a 180 and it seems to have smooth some things out.

Fuel Pump, as stated from the vortech website: "On early engines, a high-performance, boost referenced mechanical fuel pump will provide the necessary fuel in most applications. Late model motors may require an electrical fuel pump and a boost referenced fuel pressure regulator providing 6 lbs. of pressure." Again contact vortec.

Again, I've searched their website spent countless hours on the phone with them, but all they seem to know is Mustangs....

As far as gearing what is your tire size? I would run it first and see what rpm you are turning through the traps. That will tell you if you need a different gear.

I'm running 29" tires (all add that to the info above). I've never raced before, so I'm trying to figure out some stuff before I go out there. I would rather learn here than the hard way, if I can .

Don't just go adding things just because others have it. Check with the manufacture first, not that they always know best, but it's a good place to start. I don't want to discourage you or others from asking questions, but take a few minutes and do some research before asking questions when the answers are already available. The forums are great for information, but sometimes you may get the wrong information from someone that doesn't know what they are talking about and you could end up with something broken as a result of someone’s bad advice.

I'm not buying anything until I feel like I have some solid information to base my purchases on. I realize any information gathered here or anywhere else is "buyer or listener beware". I did start with the manufactures websites and tech lines, but geesh, some of those guys are getting as bad as the AZ counter guys, all they know is what the computer tells them and it seems like the have no real life experience with the stuff they are selling. For instance, the tech info on the Dart heads tells you what plug to use, but not what gap. Now I realize every engine is different and you will need to play with this, but shouldn't it have a recommended starting point? I though fuel injection (I've done many of these setups) was somewhat complicated until I started messing with the supercharger stuff. I guess it would have helped if I would have been the one that put everything together, instead of trying to figure out why the PO did what he did.

The truck and the combo look awesome. I am sure you will enjoy it for a little while, at least until that guy on your shoulder tells you to throw on the smaller pulley. Good Luck
Thanks. I have really enjoyed learning something new and updating things that I have. My biggest fear is tearing it up over something stupid, like not having $200 part that the setup is supposed to have. When you say smaller pulley, I assume you're talking about the one on the S/C. The rear tires can't handle the power that it already makes, .

Last edited by Hart_Rod; 11-18-2009 at 11:46 AM.
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