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Old 12-11-2009, 05:33 PM   #205
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Location: Everett, WA
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Re: It’s Just A Pickup

Ready to pull my hair out (can’t afford to loose any more I’m bald enough)
Frustration is at a very high level, rocker panel is not sitting right

The lower edge of the door is riding on the rocker panel (no gap exists). Had a friend over and we where looking over the problem and checked all the dimensions that we could to include door opening compared to the standard opening measured at the beginning of this area rebuild and the height of the aftermarket door to some stock original truck doors. All dimensions are within 1/16 of an inch I was hoping to find something out to point to causing the problem, even if it was something that I installed causing the problem (none was found). Had another rocker panel from a different manufacture made out of thinner material that I looked at trying to fit and it had the same problems.

Possible solutions we came up with was cutting .20 off the bottom of the door or cutting the rocker panel in half and adding .20 material to have the rocker edge sit lower to obtain the gap. Neither one of the solutions is something that I want to do and will look a little more to see if I can come up with some other solution.

Don’t read too much into this post just venting some of my frustration. Of course the thought that if I had a bigger hammer I could make it fit (HA HA). Hopefully I can find a simple solution, but if not the build will go on. These are the times when it’s hard to enjoy a build, but I will get past this and it will just turn into a small downward blip in the total enjoyment and satisfaction of the build.

Have a nice day and a better one tomorrow
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