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Old 05-23-2003, 11:50 AM   #114
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: cornville, maine
Posts: 659
I simply believe in property rights. When people decide that government ought to rule over every aspect of peoples lives, to force them to conform or pay a heavy fine, its time to start lining people up against a wall.
My ancestors simply fought too hard to preserve freedom against governments that espouse the forced conformation of society to a certain model for me to be able to abide by it.
If you still havent seen the dangers of forced community standards, then I suggest reading up on history. Mao's model of how a perfect society ought to be should be studied, as well as the consequences and impacts to quality of life. The whole forced conformity model that is insidiously creeping into urban america is strait out of Karl Marx' thesis.
While such comparisons are often seen as extreme, I still think a little bit of ciommunistic behavior by a community is just as dangerous as a lot. Already we have people, even on this board, who are informing on nieghbors and relatives to the authorities.
While being a slob is bad manners, and offensive, the moment you abdicate responsibility to governmental bodies, you are starting down a path that you will all regret. I already regret that peoiple are happy to surrender freedoms to goverment, for any reason, and especially regret that people so happily give up freedoms and empower govenrments over such trivial things as astetics and "property values".
Sloppiness, and things like that are personal affronts, and ought to be treated as such.
On another note, my opinions are colored by the fact that I do not live in close proximity with lots of people. I have plenty of neighbors, and some seriously sloppy ones, with junk all over the place. Yes, it does in fact reduce the values of my and other adjacent properties somewhat. But, rather than become a governmental informant I approach the matter in my own way. I keep a clean place, and am vocally critical of those who have junk all over the place. My friends and I all keep a critical eye on each other, and are not afriad to say"man, your place looks like a dump". The shame is enough to ensure cleanliness. As to others, I, we, feel that we are generally raising value by keeping a clean well maintained place, and others will see it, and by seeing others keeping clean, will strive to clean themselves. If they dont, well, then their place wont be worth its potential, and when it comes to be sold, it will be available at below market. Thats good for me. I can buy the place up cheap, clean it up, and sell it for a tidy profit.
jku Cornville, Maine

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