Thread: deal resolved
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Old 06-14-2010, 01:29 AM   #18
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Re: deal resolved

Your paypal was screwed up because they had a complaint against you for not shipping a set of rims after you had been payed. when you did not provide tracking # they took the money from your account.Paypal made the payment from me into your account on the 31st of march.I went to the bank and cleared up my problem with the bank and they made my account right.Paypal credited your account with the funds from the 31st on.I sent you email on the 15 of april 10 days after I mailed the mo to see if it had arrived .You sent email back stating you had it and would ship the seats the next day.I ask you to refuse payment from paypal so that would be credited back to my paypal or they would have to file complaint against you in order for me to have it done and would leave you negative feed back.It was credited back that night when I checked.I could not get contact # from ebay because they removed you as a member for some reason.after that email on the 15th I didn't here from you again until the email dated 21st may with phone #I called and you said you were out to dinner with your family to call back later.I called several times and got up with you on the 24th may.You said you needed my address that the seats were in the back of your truck and you would ship right out.You had my address from pm,email,paypal and the letter with the mo but you need it 2 months later.the post office is federal and any post office will cash a postal mo on the will charge you $3 but they will cash a postal mo on the spot.I live in NC and deposited $500 credit union mo from joshua on thurs afternoon and it was available for with drawl the next morning on fri when I deposited my pay check and it was from alabama. Out of town or having sunday dinner with family as you told me?I have my seats and that is all that matters to me now.If you had said it will be awhile before I get a chance to ship the seats I would not have worried.You did not do what you said and that got me worried and then you did it again and worried me more.For anyone who cares or might want to deal with Nik Pm me your email address and I will forward you the emails he sent me and a copy of the receipt I have where I paid $5 at the post office for inquiry on the mo in case I had to file mail fraud claim.It has the date it was cashed ,the date bought and mailed.Judge for yourself.I may be a %#$ but you are a bald faced liar and I have pm and email from you to prove it along with postal inquiry.

Last edited by 67/72junkie; 06-14-2010 at 01:40 AM.
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