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Old 12-04-2010, 04:28 PM   #70
C. M. Wolf
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Re: Painting my 69' GMC this weekend -Rustolium style


A friend of mine asked me if I would paint his ElCamino once... I told him "Sure, I'll only charge you $200 for a single color shoot, over the costs of the materials, too". He coughed his coffee down at the price and told me he was thinking more along the lines of getting the whole job,(including materials), done for about $50 instead, and could I do it that for this price.
I said, "Sure but for $50 bucks I use Krylon Rattle Cans in whatever colors they offer... with a two day guarrantee, ...and I can do a Delux Paint Job for $25 bucks more using Rustoleum instead of the Krylon... with a two week guarrantee!

He simply put his coffee down and quitely walked out with everyone laughing. I think to this day his ElCamino is still rusting in the sun.


I've heard and seen pictures of people using Rustoleum on vehicles, one guy even did a darned fine job of it after color sanding after each coat and spraying 6 coats... out in his driveway,(using a sraygun, not rattlecans). A year later he did report how expensive all that car wax was just to keep a shine on the paint job. But it did look good from what I could see.

Here's one guy I found online that used this paint... (ok, it did turn out kinda nice and he has even followed it up with updates through the years...

It sure could be done with Rustoleum, but I still think a good "Nason Urethane Single Stage" paint will do far better justice with half the time, trouble, work and give you far better results and a far longer lasting paint job... without costing you all that much more money!

Don't get me wrong here, Rustoleum is darned good paint... if your painting "Lawn Furnture".



Last edited by C. M. Wolf; 12-04-2010 at 04:32 PM.
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