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Old 01-09-2011, 03:30 PM   #209
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Re: Left for dead: 72 2wd blazer build

Muleman, July 4th sounds reasonable. That is if you don't mind me leaving you lenghty lists of tasks to do between my visits! Of course with the eye trauma I am facing my funds might be more limiting on the progress than labor.

I was able to work on the Blazer this Saturday. Unfortunately I injured myself while I was out there. Even though I was wearing safety glasses with side shields I had some metal slag imbed itself into the cornea of my right eye while I was removing panels. At first it didn't seem too bad but as the day went on the eye got more agitated. By the time I went to bed the pain was incredible. My wife suggested that I go to the emergency room but I was foolish and simply took pain killers and sleeping pills. When I woke up this morning the pain was still there, so it was time to go to the emergency clinic. They flushed the eye and got out what they could. Unfortunately there is metal imbedded down in the cornea that will have to be removed by surgery Monday morning. The doctor said that they possibly could have gotten it out yesterday but since I waited so long the eye has already formed a catarac over the metal slag. Right now I am feeling fine because I am on Vicatin and eyen numbing cream but even with that I am uncomfortable.

I wanted to tell everyone about this to warn them about the importance of safety gear. I always do metal work with ear plugs and safety glasses. It just happens that a fugitive piece of slag flew at the right angle to get between my glasses and face and into my eye. Without my safety gear I am sure my current situation could be much worse than it is. I will propably start wearing monogoggles when cutting and grinding metal from now on. Hopefully everyone takes all the safety measures they can when working on their projects; you never know when something can go wrong. It just isn't worth the risk to not be safe; between the pain, discomfort, medical bills, and lost work; all of which I am facing right now.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry
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