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Old 03-02-2011, 09:05 PM   #269
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Re: Pops 72 cheyenne dropmember build

I just read through all your builds and all I can say is WOW! Speed and quality tend to be mutually exclusive. And with a dental practice. And with a wife. And with kids. Holy crap man! That's a lot of 5 hr energy, redbull, monster, mt. dew, whatever. Why, I got tired just reading the builds.

As for your little guy, I pray he is doing better. If it is a sprain, I would recommend following the acronym R.I.C.E.

Rest - bed rest with foot elevated above heart, aids in drainback
Ice - 20 minutes of ice every 2 hours
Compress - compression bandage to minimize swelling and aid in drainback
Elevate - elevate foot above heart

If his shin is extremely painful, it could be a high ankle sprain. Thankfully for me mine have all been low ankle sprains (basketball, volleyball, tall man sports) and by following the acronym above, I've bounced back within a week and a half. Since he's young he should come back even quicker.

Additionally, I personally took 400mg of Ibuprofen every 4 hours with food, as presribed on the back of the bottle. I am unsure about kids under 12 yrs of age though. Check with the dr as I know that Ibuprofen can be hard on your stomach. However, nothing takes down inflammation faster than nSAIDs.

Lastly, the more protein you can get in him, the quicker he will heal. Protein will rebuild the damaged cells in his leg.

Hope this helps!
1972 Chevy Blazer CST.....Project: Polished Turd

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