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Old 05-20-2011, 04:20 PM   #16
Redneck Hillbilly
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Re: !965 Chevy C-10 Take 2: Project Tanya

That's part of the reason I haven"t got much done on her yet, I am having way too much fun driving her. She's pretty much become my daily driver, even though I have a perfectly good S-10 Blazer for that. The itch is starting (and our town's "big" cruise and show 'n shine is coming up at the end of June), so it won't be long now.

I managed to score a very nice used Miller welder for a killer price. Got a cart, gas cylinder, gauges, and a whole bunch of extras with it. All I had to do was scrounge up a helmet, and off I went. I've been practicing on some old exhaust tubing scraps and thin sheet metal scraps, trying to get a hang of getting a good weld on thin metal. I'm starting to get the hang of it, so I may just go for it on the never ending supply of screw holes on my truck. What the hell do people need to screw into a truck so bad? Sheesh!
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