Thread: 57gmcuk
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Old 05-30-2011, 04:22 PM   #18
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Re: 57gmcuk

Originally Posted by bensimmons_05 View Post
Looks like you are doing a great job, the new and made panels look great!
Hi Ben thanks for the kind words it is turning out a lot better than I hoped.

Update time. I painted the door inners with por15 then top-coated it with some tractor paint I had lying about. Took a age to dry but I really like the colour (Ford tractor light Grey) might paint the entire truck in it as can get paint on farm account and will tide me over until I can get it done properly.

I took the hinges apart to fit some new pins and bushes only to find I only ordered 2 new ones so am a set short. Gave the hinges a quick clean and some red oxide. Removed a broken bolt from one bottom hinge and fitted the missing nut to other one.

I got the doors welded back together and moved the runner ready for the 1 peice glass. Both door tops had splits near where the door top inner attaches so repaired them. I then went to hang the door to see if I have welded the new hinge in the right place, only to find I have lost the door hinge bolt nuts. Spent half a day looking to no avail so will have to make some new ones.

As I could not hang the door and start on the latches I decided to dig the front fenders out of storage and make a start on them. I thought with the frenched lights and visible previous owner botched repairs I would need some new faces and grill extensions. After hacking the bondo off found I can repair the original faces so will sell the patch panels I had purchased. As still have not got any sheet metal, I then started to panel beat out some of the dents and squashed wheel arch.

I only have a couple of pictures as I have lent the camera to my parents who have gone on holiday this week. I took some pictures on my phone but can not get them off there so will take and post some pictures next week when they return.
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