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Old 07-13-2011, 11:54 PM   #15
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Re: HPTuners or EFI Live?

Originally Posted by raic65 View Post
I decided and use EFILive, but the main reason was that there is a local dealer/tuner for it. The credits thing with HPTuners also confused me. Wasn't sure if I needed to keep purchasing credits everytime I wanted to make a change to the tune on my truck.
With HPtuners, you need to license both the tune in the computer, and the computer itself.... it's a matched combo. Once you licence a PCM/tune combo, if you should decide that OS doesn't work right with your swapped parts, you need to buy additional credits to write another OS to that PCM you already paid $100 to license.

With EFI live, you licence the PCM hardware itself. After you license that hardware, you can flash whatever compatible OS you want on top of it.

I know I'm seeming a little biased towards EFI live, but in the end, HPTuners is a PPV service like your cable box, EFI live is like having a descrambler. Even if you pay full retail for the EFI live, it's totally worth the extra $150.
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