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Old 10-07-2011, 12:34 AM   #50
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: A Sad Story About a 1971 Chevy Cheyenne

McNugget, I would like to welcome you to the board and I sure hope we can help in some way.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of crooks in the world and, because our trucks are becoming so valuable,
they will go to extraordinary lengths to steal, cob together and resell them.

I am so sorry you have become one of their victims.

Vintage Windmills, unfortunately, they didn’t stamp VINs in the sheet metal back then.
In fact, many GMC’s either didn’t have a frame stamp or they are so hard to find that even some
experts here would be hard pressed to find them.
This may be also true of some GM trucks sold oversees too (eightbanger, take note).

The best we can do is research the PO and what they say is the trucks history, check the
frame and cab tag against title, scrutinize the rosettes and never buy an untitled truck.
Document everything and write down the seller’s ID and address, in case of problems.

McNugget, best of luck in your legal battle to re-coupe some of your loss through this.
Hang in there gal and keep us posted!


BTW McNugget,---the CL 4x4 you posted looks like a nice rig for the $.
I’m a sucker for big 4x4’s too!


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