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Old 10-18-2011, 11:47 AM   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Marianna Arkansas
Posts: 7,259
Re: Wrecked our baby.

Sorry that this has happened to you. Very stressful. Hope none was hurt,that is the main thing. For the most part insurance co. are usally as fair as they can be. I own a body shop and have dealt with some really good guys but also some real jerk wads. The most of the time ,a person will walk up to the adjuster and tell him what he has got to do, and nobody likes that. You don't people coming to your job and tell you thy know more about it then you do. That would hack you off and the wrong foot has no only been set forward but also stepped on. Now ,another thing is when you first meet with them [the insurance people] most people say I've got a lawer and am sueing. Before they have even had a chance to do their job. That would tick you off too would'nt it. I know I would have my back up and be defensive. Now, I am not in the pocket of any insurance co. in fact don't care for them I think there half crooked. I don't take any insurance work into my body shop unless it is a customer of mine from a long time and I sold them a car or truck.Just a thought about the happinings. In retrospect would you want somebody jumping on you as soon as you meet. Try to let them do their job first ,then if they are being jerkish then pull out the big guns and go for the jugular. Now the hugger bashing can begin, please go easy and leave my mom out of it.
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