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Old 12-01-2011, 09:46 PM   #2
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Re: Kick panel speakers.

I'm just wondering if I should have went with a 6" round speakers for the kick panels. That seems what everyone on here did. I guess I don't know anything about different types of speakers and where they should be placed in a system. I don't want to cut up my doors because I did alot of work to get them solid again. Let's just say you could have thrown a wet angry cat through the bottoms and never hit Also, the tank is still in the truck so very limited for speakers back there. I thought about building a custom console between my buckets and putting some sort of speakers in it. Also thought of mounting speakers in the back upper corners of the cab, but that may be too close to my head to be practical. Let me know what you think about my ignorance or my ideas......Thanks
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