Thread: 1964 Impala
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Old 12-30-2011, 03:05 PM   #17
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Re: 1964 Impala

Well, it's rainy here but I haven't done a thing to the car yet! Been busy working and my buddy with the huge shop moved so I have to keep my car at my place in a garage that isn't nearly big enough! So, I'm now waiting on permits to build a new shop here at my place, 40x48. Should be big enough for most of my junk! Probably won't be up until summer from the looks of things so I'll have to wait on the big projects for the car but I need to change the rear bags out before too long as they are rubbing on something and have almost worn a hole through. I'm looking for pics of any bag setups in the rear to get ideas on how to redo these so they don't rub. Also got all the electrical gremlins handled too! I'll see what I can come up with for pics as everyone loves pics!
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