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Old 03-21-2012, 01:05 PM   #55
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Re: CPP again....I'll never learn ;)

Originally Posted by CPPJEFF View Post
Ken dont fall over when i say this but its made out to be a WAY bigger deal than it actually is. We ship about 300 orders a day and i would say 1 of 300 goes south and all of them are very fixable, and although i wish there was no need to fix anything its just nature of the beast. This place is actually not a new company and runs really well outside of these constant glitches that are brought to the boards. My boss is far from somebody who doesn't care and i can say we tried MANY times to get with Josh and find out what we needed to do to remain a site vendor and he ignored my requests aswell as Jims, kind of sounds like the service we supposedly give our customers! Seriously the wierdest part is we are beating sales records and every phone line in the building is lit off the hook all day long, so we must be doing ALOT right! I agree i wish i would never have problems here but i am convinced that these issues will always be around. Great to hear from you Ken! Your truck looks killer!
not to be an ass, so don't take it that way. I do know one of the many times Josh did contact Jim, he was told by Jim that he was out ( I believe at shows or such) on the East Coast, and that he would call back or contact in 2 weeks. It was aprox 2 months later that the return contact came, which was also while we were at the hospital delivering Ryleigh. Not exactly an opportune time to discuss problems.

Aside from that, Josh could better tell what where when.. but it comes across as ya'll tried to contact and were ignored, and that is simply not true. I myself emailed Jim about some issues last year and still have never gotten a reply whatsoever. I know some contacts with you were left open. That was due to it being on a higher level (ie Jim) whom Josh has dealt with off and on over the years. The mud slinging fest that supposedly followed (as per members whom txt, called etc going wtf is up with cpp talking crap about you guys when we call) probably did not help with the communications either. If it happened or not, I can not say.. but it is what kept coming back to us.

I also do want to apologize to you personally for semi blowing you off in the fall. As you know, I was put in the hospital with high blood pressure during the pregnancy. I was on medicine that seriously screwed with my thought process, and I was not allowed to be in stressful situations at all. That left Josh to play Momma and Daddy to our kids, as well as run the site and deal with all the loose ends I left. Ken and Dave stepped up and did everything they could to help out. I did reply and let you know somewhat that I was not around, but did want to let you know here why I could not tend to issues and questions you had. That is at the same time Josh and Jim were playing contact tag.

I do appreciate you helping and working on things as well. It is very frustrating for all involved. Believe it or not, I worked retail and owned a parts business for years, so I do understand the idiots, nice folks, clowns, good customers and everything between. The problem may be a small one in the ratio of customer satisfaction to customer complaint, but it is still going on. Hopefully you guys can get it worked out and maybe talk Jim into getting you some more folk to help out
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