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Old 03-22-2012, 06:08 PM   #85
Catchy title goes here..
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Re: CPP again....I'll never learn ;)

Why? I am not looking to get Jonathan anything for free. Nor am I trying to say what should be done here. I do respect Jeff for stepping up and getting it fixed. The fact remains before Jeff knew there was an issue and stepped in, Jonathan was getting jerked around left and right. And even after, he was given a part (again out of kindness and trying to help) but that he was suppose to of gotten with the column already. Its been months of bs and many folks would had gone for fraud etc. (not suggesting that it should be handled that way.. just how some people do) I do not think it would be out of line for a company to step up and say crud we really messed up, lets eat that and make things good.

Again, I am not suggesting Jeff could do this, as we know that is out of his hands.. nor am I suggesting Jonathan go for such.. Just saying IMHO its not ridiculous at all. As the saying goes, sometimes you just need to give them the pickle. Just glad its rectified at this time as far as we all can see.
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