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Old 05-20-2012, 07:17 AM   #18
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Re: 1965 c10 long fleet First build

Originally Posted by McMurphy View Post
A click is a click; it is the full movement of an L1A1 rifle gas regulator. Infantry navigate by bearing (compass) and distance (pacing)(pre GPS that is). The pacing was kept by one or two nominated soldiers (normal one of the rifles). They would count in lots of 100 metres (about 110 paces on the flat, 100 down hill and 120 uphill). The soldier would keep track of the '100 metres' by moving the gas regulator one mark. After a 100 x 10 the counter would get the attention of the sect comd by hand signals and signal the a 1000 metres had been travelled by lifting the rifle and obviously rewinding the gas regulator with a movement of the thumb. The gas regulator would come to a stop with an audible 'click'. Hence 1 click = 10 x 100 metre = 1000 metre = 1 kilometre = 1 click. (aka 1 kay) I think you'll find that the 'click' colloquial moved into American military language from the Australians during Viet Nam.

Borrowed from a military discussion board. I hope this helps.
Huh, Guess theres a lot of history behind it. Thanks for the lesson.
My first ever build!! 1965 c10 LWB 283v8 sm420
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