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Old 07-08-2012, 01:26 PM   #7
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Re: 49 Chevy patina truck

Originally Posted by B_Hix View Post
My take on the patina thing...

I spent months looking for someone to paint my truck for under 6K - only in frustration did I finally decide I would do it in my garage with my very basic tools and total lack of experience and know-how.

I spent hundred$ buying tools, hundred$ buying paint and hundred$ buying sandpaper. I invested hundreds of hours in sanding, painting, stripping, resanding, repainting, wetsanding, buffing, buffer burning, stripping, repsraying, get the point....

I learned tons and value the experience, but when it's all said and done I worked my butt off for a very decent but far from professional paint job. In my opinion it looks great, but I can walk you around the truck and point out every tiny flaw. The stress, frustration, aggrevation took a lot of the fun out of the project - I had a desire for perfection but had to learn to reconcile that with my extreme amature status.

After all that, when I go to a show, if I want my vehicle judged (which I do not) it's easy for them to pick my paint apart, using some guys vehicle with a $8k (outsourced) paintjob as the standard.

If I had it to do all over again I'd worry a whole lot less about perfect paint and focus on enjoying my truck - in other words a patina/rustic look has a great deal of appeal now that I know what it takes to get a decent grade paint job.

This is about fun and enjoyment - if you're stressing every tiny detail and spending you're life savings in pursuit of perfection you're probably going to end up broke and disappointed. In hindsight I see the advantages to the patina look and have come to appreciate it.

Bottom line, whatever floats your boat man! I think it's fine if you don't sweat perfection with respect to paint and body - there is a 'cool factor' in a 40/50 year old truck that looks it but runs like a new one...

My .02 +
that is one reason that I an going with a satin finish.
I am not into All the polishing and waxing another is slight imperfections wont show.Less waxing more time to enjoy.
That said yours looks great. We always see imperfections in our own rides that nobody else even notices.

My GMC build.
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