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Old 07-22-2012, 07:07 PM   #133
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

Ok, so today I decided that it was time to clean the underneath of the cab. I noticed when welding that some of the crap underneath was causing very small flames when heated up. My friend came over and we very carefully laid the cab on it's back.

There is a ton of crap on there, including the undercoating remnants. I checked the how to section of the board, and saw that some people have used Airline Stripper to loosen it up, but it did not work for me. I did a whole bunch of scraping, and tried a wire brush on my cordless drill. Got stuff off, but it was not that great.

I did not want to use my flap disc because I did not want to heat up the metal. Then I remember I had some poly abrasive wheels, and that worked pretty well. It just sucks that they wear out so fast, and at $5 a clip it can add up quick.

I would love to hear any suggestions anyone has for cleaning up the underside. I also can't get into the tight spots with the poly abrasive wheel. I have seen people post that they attached a wire wheel to their grinder, but I can't find any wire wheels that fit a 4-1/2" grinder.

This is the wheel I used:

I also noticed that the drivers side front cab support is in good and the rear support is really rusted. Now, on the passenger side, it's the opposite, the front is shot, and the rear is fine. So much for using the slip on; since I have to change the rear support, I might as well do it right.

Hoping to finish with the underneath over the next few days, then get back to work on the floor.
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