Thread: 72 k20 project
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Old 09-14-2012, 08:07 AM   #153
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Re: 72 k20 project

Originally Posted by mosesburb View Post
What you will find is when you do this (or something similar) you will accomplish a few things one day or weekend and look at your list and find NONE of them were on the list. D'oh!! Now, do you write them on the list so you can immediately scratch them off the list for some visual sense of accomplishment (WOO-HOO!!, something has a line through it!!), or just keep plugging along hoping to eventually hit something on the list?? I have no answer as I did (and still do) both myself .

Your intercooler mounting is bringing back some memories that I am glad are memories now. The I/C from the second gen looks quite similar to the first gen in shape and overall size.

I may have missed it, but what are your plans for motor mounts??
i do that without the markerboard already! the reason i want the markerboard is to keep my ideas fresh in my head. i need some brake parts from the junk yard to do what i want with my front brakes. i was at the junk yard a few weeks ago just for a look around and had totally forgotten to grab the stuff i needed because it wasn't at the front of my mind. hopefully a big crayon colored list that i see every day will help me remember.

i almost convinced myself to do major core support surgery and install the dodge radiator also. i am glad i didnt do that.

the motor mounts are somewhere farther back in the thread but here are a few pics of what i made

72 K20 12v build
72 K20 "parts truck"

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