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Old 11-03-2012, 09:29 AM   #1
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WTB, original black paint DS 69-72 Chevy fender

Ok, I know this is a long shot....way long, like in a "hail mary" long....but ya never know, stranger things have came along.

I have an original black paint driver 72 C10 deluxe, with a destroyed drivers side fender and tailgate. Just got an original black paint tailgate from a board member, and now looking for the fender. If anyone has an original paint BLACK driver side 69-72 Chevy fender I would be interested in it. Must be original paint or vintage repaint would be considered, must be BLACK, no 2 tones, patina is fine and preferred, can deal with some dings and dents, but not mangled, can deal with some rust on the lower corners, something I can fix below the wide molding only and spot paint in those areas. I prefer with molding holes but I can drill holes if need.

Yeah, its asking for alot but I have seen some good stuff come across here. thought I see if anything is available. I know I can get another color fender or a new repo fender that will work but trying to paint and MATCH it to the current paint will be almost impossible....would look out of place and stick out like a sore thumb I'm sure.
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