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Old 01-02-2013, 07:44 PM   #2997
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Re: Finally "Silvers" build thread!! ('78 swb 2wd silverado)

Apparently the area is plagued with this sort of thing lately. It sounds like from the video they've all but decided deadly force was warranted and are just going to end up dropping the issue. Idk how the police can investigate their own and answer to nobody. Dennis was surrounded and any movement he made for that gun was going to get himself killed he must have known that. So why would he try to get the drop on ten officers while handcuffed??????
Makes no bloody sense. I'm shocked they haven't tried to say suicide by cop theory. The only guy who knows for certain was left for 2 hours to die while they tried to get their story straight. It's too bad too because if you start out lying any other conclusion won't be trusted by the family and they'll never know what happened.
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