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Old 02-03-2013, 11:05 PM   #7
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Location: San Antonio TX
Posts: 25
Re: My super quick Blazer Facelift

Heh yeah i love to see the orange when its fresh but this was not! Mid-way through the painting process and the paint and body guy says its not even car paint lol its this stuff they use to spray tanks and heavy machinery at job sites....apparently it eats through 80 grainn sand paper like nobody's business, so its been a bit slower process than normal. Luckily the guy whose shop i took it too is a friend and does amazing work, the previous owner used the paint to cover up a a lot of half assed repairs which are now being redone properly, he's getting through it pretty quick now so i stopped by the shop to take a few pics, apparently in its 42 years its been red, silver, orange, and now ive decided on high performance red with a little metallic added in. Hopefully it will be all finished up within a week or so and i can post a few pics with it all shined up but for now, lets see if these load.... adding on new bumpers, side mirrors and side marker lights, door handles and maybe new headlights, and still thinking about the front grille, i Love the 70 grille and its in almost perfect shape but thinking about going to the 72' style grille.....
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