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Old 02-17-2013, 11:43 PM   #1358
Who Changed This?
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Location: Simi Valley, CA
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Re: How about some pics of 67-72 Part II

Originally Posted by Palf70Step View Post
Steeveedee...that is an interesting grill they did for your truck.
I believe for 69/70 your color meant white cab, and white bottom (below the trim)

I think in 71/72 it meant the area between the trim and the roof are white. At lease that is the way I have always seen it.
That's what I was thinking, that the truck was white below the lower molding. I recall from the dim and misty past that that is the way it was before my father-in-law had it repainted. I did a little judicious scraping and still couldn't tell. I prefer the white/orange/white/orange style, but would rather make it look original if I could. I DO remember that the 1971 trucks came that way, as I started working for a Chevy dealership right out of high school, in June of 1970. So the '71 model year trucks would have come out a couple of months later.

I met my wife in 1980, and got married in 1981. 1980's the first time I saw the truck, and as I say, I dimly recall that it was white at the rockers. We just got back from exotic Oxnard, CA, celebrating our 32nd anniversary. I'll have to dig into this some more.

Oh, FIL put that grille in there and that's one thing I want to change out for stock. I've never liked it that way.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

Simi Valley, CA
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