Thread: New project
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Old 02-20-2013, 11:09 AM   #208
Marv D
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Re: New project

Originally Posted by hotrod 80 View Post
...... . I personally dont see an advantage to a transbrake over footbraking without the delay box to move reaction around . ....... .
It's simple
MASS!!!!! I can move my thumb a lot easier, more reliably, and more consistantly than I can my big ol pfhat leg. ROTF,,

But seriously......
I don't know how much there is to this,, but there was a lonnnnnng discussion some time ago over on the bullet (geeeee go figure that YellowBullet had some HUGE thread on any topic!) ) anyways, the discussion was about Left brain / Right hand, vs Left brain Left leg. I won't pretend to remember or even understand all that was going on in that discussion,, but it 'seemed' like there were some pretty smart, knowledgable people laying out facts and figures. I can't find the thread,, might have even been long ago enough for it to have evaporated in the meltdown when Monty moved the site.

I know we have an artistic - creative - illogical - whimiscial - non conformist - irrational side of our brain (let's just call that our femmmmminin side LOL) and a side that controls logic and functional things like sub-consious muscle function breathing - heart beat - flight or flight - basically 'reactions' (you run, your muscles scream for more O2, you breathe heavy and your heart beats faster - harder without 'thinking' about making it happen. That side also controls things like reactions to the eye seeing light,, making your thumb / leg / foot react.

All I really remember out of it (obviously because it was all that applied to me and was what I wanted to hear...) Left brain, right arm-hand-thumb. That is the most common, consistant, and trainable motion.

And for some reason it shouldn't be a 'thumb' motion, it shold be a 'BODY' motion for consistancy. You don't grip the wheel and pop your thumb off the button,, it should be OPEN HAND, thumb on the button and release with a shoulder / elbow / wrist / thumb motion,,, THAT was the most 'time consistant' motion.

Also your thumb should be up in your field of view or perriferial view at least. Somewhere close to the path of the eye to the light.

I brought up "how can that be so set in stone,, we have left handed people and people who are more logical than artistic",, and vice versa.. well you know th ebullet,, I was bi*tch slapped around the forum a couple of times and basically told to shut up, listen and learn LOL.

So why a transbrake,, apparently your brain and body can be more consistant

The rest of it is just training your brain for the 'when' part!

(sorry for bad spelling and typing,, ina hurry this morning)
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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