Thread: Greg's 50 Build
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Old 02-22-2013, 01:20 AM   #35
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Re: Greg's 50 Build

So its time for a very meager update. My dad has a tow service and a rolled over explorer came in that the owner wanted us to dispose of. I took a peek and it was running the 5.0L V8. I'm going to pull that out and try and sell it so I can buy my LS engine. The best part is that the explorer had the limited slip rear end with disk brakes. I sure like a $200-300 part for free.

On the down side, the weather hasn't been kind to me. I really wanted to get my truck drug home so I could tinker with it as I saved for parts. The snow buried it and then my dad finished the job with his plow. Looks like the truck will be sitting idol for a little while longer.

In the mean time my dad and I have been giving his 99 silverado a freshening up. No pictures but it looked like a golf ball it had so many dents. Now its straight and ready for paint.

This biggest news for me is my newest toy. My new 2012 ninja that I picked up at the dealer about 2 weeks ago. The 2013's came out and since its winter I got a real deal on it. Now I just wish it would warm up.

I should really thank all of you for the bike. I was injured in the Army and given a disability payment of $127 per month. The check was just small enough to either save or have a little spending money. I chose to buy a new bike with it. The best part is that after the direct deposit from the VA and the direct payment to the bank I still have $18 left. Haha. So I chose to make the best of a bad situation and now its like a free bike courtasy of the American tax payer. So thank you everyone.
My 1950 Chevy build
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