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Old 03-10-2013, 02:58 PM   #9
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Re: 46 pickemup in NJ "the Rebuild"

Soooo as I was sayin. On thursday we got about 6" of heavy wet snow here in NJ but come the weekend it was 60 degrees and sunny, so I decided to roll the ole girl out of the garage and let her get some fresh air.

I figured since the truck was out in the driveway now would be a good time to work on the back of the cab where one of the PO's boogered a band aid onto the back, either because they were either to cheap, to lazy, or didn't know how to fix the cab the right way. So armed with nothing but a 4" angle grinder, some flap discs and sanding blocks, our hero set out to do a recon mission.

I tried to be as careful as possible when I was removing the bondo as I didn't want to take away any of the metal. So as soon as I got through the bondo and started hitting metal I stopped and took the rest down with the block sanders.

Here's what I found after about 2 hours of work. Defiantly some high and low spots, and what appears to be some kind of brazing in a couple of spots down at the bottom of the cab.

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