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Old 06-20-2013, 12:58 AM   #7
Zach B
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Location: El Dorado Springs Missouri
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Re: Problem with the frame on my 1947 chevy truck

Ok thanks. I plan on removing the body of the truck from the frame so I can get to it. I need to remove the transmission crosmember so I can get in there and see exactly what I'm up against. I think what happened was the hood was not placed on properly (not even the right hood) so water, dirt, and leaves have gotten passed it and that was the spot that got missed on all of my checking. I have unfortunately been unable to keep the truck under a roof. Don't know that I blew out the hole compleatly with the hose so I do plan on checking but on a visual inspection it looks ok on the spots not mentioned. I don't know what some parts look like towards the grill because I have a bunch of parts in the way but I suspect I need to look at it. The big thing is finding the room to do all of this while there is a boat in the garage with an engine trying to break through the hull. I may have to pull the old tractor out and use the pole barn for protection from the elements. I'm going to have to talk to some people about it. In about two weeks I can have boat fixed so I just have to worry about right now.
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