Thread: acid dip
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Old 07-07-2013, 01:36 AM   #6
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Re: acid dip

Originally Posted by rcrahn View Post
Contact these people...Seems like guys on HAMB recommend them
Thanks, that is actually one I was looking at as it seems they may have a vat large enough.

I've also been looking into the seeping issue. It seems that while that used to be an issue, in most cases it no longer is unless the company is still using outdated systems. In fact, some of the places I've looked into, guarantee that it wont effect the paint at all. A couple use high pressure fresh water to flush the seams, and one even uses a bake oven to cook it right out.

So far the one that sounds the best based on what I've found out and recommendations from local body shops is in Oregon. The only problem is that's quite a haul from me. I'm not quite ready yet so I have plenty of time to keep gathering info.

watkins_boyz, No dont have it off yet. I'm stuffing a cummins 5.9 under the hood and had to cut away much of the firewall. Until I get that finished and have the firewall back in shape, I'm leaving it on the frame for support. But I will be removing from the frame when it comes time for stripping. I'm gonna blast the frame since there would be no worry about warpage or nooks and crannies. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna powder coat the frame. I may just paint but my body guy is pressing me saying its worth the extra money to powder coat it. I'm playing difficult just to erk him but I'm pretty sure he's right.
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