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Old 07-13-2013, 09:55 PM   #23
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Re: My first C-10 **Warning pic heavy**

Originally Posted by Xeen View Post
After doing this swap myself I submit that it would be best to think about only the most basic of requirements to complete the swap, then once you have a parts list for the necessary components then see where you are at from a cost standpoint.
I haven't kept a running tally of expenses for the swap because quite frankly I don't want to know what it has actually cost me but it's alot I know that much.
I know my advised aproach goes against what I did myself but context matters and at the time I had no real budget constraints, so I just threw caution to the wind and did what I had to do, fortunately I didn't waste very much money making mistakes.
For you though I would recommend benifiting from my experience and allowing me to help you do this the most efficient way possible and avoid the complications I had.
Yes sir. I'm sure I'll miss a few things but I'm not restricting myself to a time frame. I'm going to take my time and hopefully have it done in 6-8 months. I have no plan of keeping any kind of tally of money spent. That would probably make me wonder wtf I was doing . I plan on using all the experience and knowledge I can draw from this board to make this swap as painless as possible. I appreciate all the help you've already given me

I already know my tbss oil pan won't work so I've been looking for a budget friendly alternative. My other issue I've been researching is a efan setup but I may have that one figured out. I won't know until I get the engine in and can make some measurements though
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