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Old 10-22-2013, 04:53 PM   #152
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Re: HG's thread of miscelaneous stuff

This little Saab Sonett III was also there, but hidden out back. I actually saw it last year and took pics of it then too. They were trying to sell it, not sure whats going on with it now. It sat outside for a long time. The floor is basically gone. But it's somewhat rare and I like the body shape/profile and thought briefly of using it for a future project. You're basically buying a shell and junking the rest.

And I forgot a few more pics from Little Falls. Pine Grove Park was fairly close to my house when I was a kid. It's got a small zoo, miles of trails through the woods, a playground. You know, a kids idea of paradise.

My great grandfather (never met him) worked with stone. At least that was what I was told once a long time ago. This buildings footing is the kind of thing he did. I have no idea if he was involved with this building, or the stone wall along the street that borders the park, but he did work on the stone wall that borders Camp Ripley, just north of Little Falls. Another thing about this building was that when it was open and you could go inside, there were all kinds of oddities on display. Like a 2 headed calf head. That's the 1 that I can still remember. I wonder if it's still there?

One last shot of the trip. This is on a hill NE of Paynesville overlooking some farmland, some woods, a small stream through those woods and it's just some beautiful country as the sun was setting...

And this was my 5000th post. Good for me. At least it wasn't something stupid.
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