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Old 10-25-2013, 06:41 PM   #635
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Re: The Official John Lee Jr Thread

10 pound Turdblow? That's wha Uranius does, not my John Lee (he just blows valve an rods and stuff!) An speakin of that, whats the job of the Enterprise? Should be obvious.....hang around yer anus and knock off cling-ons.

But, the engine is ordered and paid for, shipping Monday and should be in the shop by Wed eve/Thurs morning while I'm in the Low Country hunting. And got compped with the first oil, filters, sufficient GM Blue engine paint to make it spiffy and a hellaofa good discount and my Orellie Coupons should be rollin in to the tune of another 50 bucks or so.....

Monday appointment to discuss the trans install, clutch and ebrake xmember and I gotta remember to prime the pump with Mr. Langdon and make sure the shop has his contact number to discuss the T5 set up and any questions they may have on timeing the new engine with HEI and any tweaks to the Weber DGEV.

With luck, highway gears well befor Turkey day....guess we'll haveta settle up for a ride description and some after install pics though. But I'll get a read from the Shop on how the T5 install went and we should be able to write up something decent.
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