Thread: beware
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Old 04-11-2014, 01:37 PM   #18
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Re: beware

Originally Posted by Josh View Post
You started it to warn members yet want it deleted now. We try not to delete threads if they have a basis in warning. If we do delete it and future issues arise similar to this it makes it hard to track and find a solution. I believe the original intent of the moderators was to point out there is no deal shown on the thread and to figure out what was going on. I don't think they were amused just merely getting frustrated with those not reading the guidelines. We keep our guidelines to the minimum we can without trying to dictate every aspect allowing buyers and sellers flexibility in making a deal. We however have a hard time stepping in to help solve matters between matters if it is not in the open. It turns into a your word against mine deal. Having to sit here and explain it to you and you constantly bucking up against them does nothing for the site except take valuable staff time away from pressing matters to deal with a non issue.

If someone says they will take it, until they have paid by paypal or said they have sent a money order it's not sold. If they drop communication I'd move on to the next person.
I'll try this one more time. Yes I started the thread to try and prevent anyone from having the misfortune that I have experienced. Yes I suggested that the thread be deleted because of the apparent extreme grief that I was causing the moderators. In my post I didn't ask anyone to decide whether there was a deal or not, nor did I ask anyone to help me figure out what was going on. Further I did not ask the moderators to step in and solve my problem. I fully understand the "he said, she said" trap. Additionally I wish for no one to spend their valuable time baby sitting me.

I was in the purest sense of the word just trying to HELP. For the love of all that is Holy, I did not mean to cause problems. Accusing me of constantly bucking up against them is your viewpoint. My viewpoint is that I meant no harm and I was trying to do the board a good service. When a couple of moderators took a swing at me for doing what I thought was a good deed, it didn't sit well with me. I've already apologized for my lack of reading skills. I've already suggested that if my post is wasting everyone's time then delete the whole works. I'm not sure what else to do to make it better other than just go back to being a visitor to the board and admire the sweet trucks and reading the posts of people that apparently know how to obey the rules.
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