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Old 12-12-2014, 03:03 PM   #4
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Re: Blazer half cabs

Originally Posted by BSRL View Post
Thanks for the input. I was told that the first mold failed because it was to light. I remember reading that someone had molds here in Nebraska. I have a local manufacturer considering producing them for me, I just hate to eat 10 of them if they in fact decide that 10 is their minimum production number.
They aren't cheap but I'd really like to have on. Is there any interest out there?
You would be "going in DEEP" on a fools errand, the old blazer crowd would LOVE it,,
someone with no sense about this market gets that many made up, and ever one of the old truck guys would sit around watching like vultures for what they all have been waiting for all along, You tumbling on the price to attempt getting some of your loss back,a $450.00 top.
even if you could find a honest shop in that Cut Throat buis --they would want $750 to make them, Seriously you would loose your ass on that.
I would never make anything a customer dosent pay 1/2 down first, period.
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