Thread: off it goes
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Old 01-01-2015, 01:07 PM   #780
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Re: off it goes

Thanks been about a 3 yr. project, as you know with something to this detail and level of build its a time and money thing. A lot of builds take 5-7 years, some guys get half way through and give up....that thought has crossed my mind several times when I get frustrated with it, lol. The truck is at my buddies shop which after my hour drive home from work is another 80 minutes, so truthfully through the week I don't feel like going. Also this year my mother passed away which really knocked the wind out of sails for a few months. I know it seems like forever (no one thinks that more than me, lol) but I think we're doing ok....the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer. Stay tuned, I think it'll be worth it....and thanks for all the positive feedback and comments��
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