Thread: Restoring Rusty
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Old 01-02-2015, 05:30 PM   #216
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Re: Restoring Rusty

Originally Posted by rusty76 View Post
So what is your method with the mineral spirits?
Simple, a can of Mineral Spirits, roll of paper towels, putty knife or flat screw driver and some small cheap brushes (nylon, brass, steel set), fine steel wool (optional).

Step 1 - use putty knife (plastic or metal) to scrape off big pieces of gunk, dirt, or grime. Use plastic one if you don't want to scratch the paint, use metal if you plan on repainting or if the surface can handle it.

Step 2 - Take paper towel fold it into a 3inch by 3 inch square and soak it with the fluid. Then unfold the towel and fold it just once and start wiping. Get the area wet, the first towel is not so much to wipe things off as it is to get the area wet. THROW DIRTY TOWEL AWAY do not reuse.

Step 3 - Use brushes to loosen hard to get off dirt. You can use a spray paint cap/lid as a cup to poor some fluid in to dip your brush. You can exchange brushes for steel wool as you progress as the area gets cleaner.

Step 4 - Get new paper towel, a dry one and wipe away what will come off. THROW DIRTY TOWEL AWAY do not reuse.

Step 5 - Repeat 2-4

important, start in the worst part, the dirties place or the one most difficult to reach and work out of that zone, also take a break, cleaning sucks, walk away or better yet finish the job the next day or the following weekend

I don't know how the pros do it, but this works for me.
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